Journée d’étude/One-Day Symposium – 17/05/2016

[English below]


L’équipe du projet CoCirPE organisera une journée d’étude le mardi 17 mai 2016 :

Objets et médias de l’enfance : conception/circulation

La journée aura lieu à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH) Paris Nord de 9h15 à 18h00.

L’entrée est libre et gratuite, sur inscription (voir ci-dessous). Nous vous y attendons nombreux.


Conception Jouet-widget


A cette occasion, des chercheurs de l’équipe CoCirPE présenteront les premiers résultats de leurs enquêtes. La journée sera l’occasion d’échanger sur les problématiques du projet et de faire un bilan des recherches menées. La réflexion se nourrira par ailleurs des conférences de trois spécialistes internationaux des industries culturelles et des cultures juvéniles :

  • Marc Steinberg, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University (site web ; Twitter) : auteur de Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan (2012), il est expert des industries médiatiques japonaises et en particulier du manga et de l’animation (anime).
  • Ning de Coninck-Smith, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University : auteure de travaux de référence sur l’histoire de l’école danoise, cette historienne et chercheuse en sciences de l’éducation s’est notamment intéressée à la construction des espaces de l’enfance. En 2015, elle a co-dirigé avec Marta Gutman l’ouvrage Designing Modern Childhoods. History, Space, and the Material Culture of Children.
  • Derek Johnson, Department of Communication Arts, Wisconsin-Madison University (Twitter) : chercheur en media et en cultural studies, il étudie la manière dont les stratégies médiatiques des industries culturelles (mises en places de licences, cross- et transmédia) transforment leur organisation et leurs modes de production. On lui doit en 2013 Media Franchising: Creative License and Collaboration in the Culture Industries.


Le programme : programme

La brochure : brochure

Pour s’inscrire, cliquez : ici


Lieu : Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH) Paris Nord – 20, avenue George Sand – 92 210 La Plaine Saint-Denis

Accès (en transports publics) : métro Ligne 12, arrêt Front Populaire – sortie 3 : « Avenue George Sand/Maison des Sciences de l’Homme »

Organisation : Sébastien François (Labex ICCA; twitter), Doriane Montmasson (CERLIS)

Pour toute question, merci d’utiliser le formulaire de contact.



One-day symposium:

Children’s Products and Media: From Design to Circulation

The event will take place in Paris on May 17, 2016. You are cordially invited to participate.

Free entry, but registration is preferred (see below).




The symposium ‘Children’s Products and Media: From Design to Circulation’ focuses on the production of children’s material and media cultures through the work of their creators. How do toy makers, game designers, media producers, etc. anticipate their young consumers? How do their knowledge and representations about childhood affect the design process, working organizations or promotion strategies of their creative industries?  And does the increasing circulation of media contents change the way they address children and their parents?

This symposium provides the opportunity to discuss these issues at the intersection of media production and childhood studies. The event is connected to the research project CoCirPE (‘Conception et Circulation des Produits culturels pour Enfants’/’Design & Circulation of Cultural Products aimed at Children’) which is funded by the academic cluster ICCA (‘Creative Industries & Artistic Creation’) and involves a team of researchers from two universities (Paris 13 University and Paris Descartes University).

The conference includes a combination of three invited speakers and two panels with shorter presentations. Three experts of creative industries and youth cultures will give plenary talks:

  • Marc Steinberg (Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University, Canada): author of Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan (2012), he is a specialist of Japanese creative industries, especially animation (anime) and manga (personal website; Twitter).
  • Ning de Coninck-Smith (Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark) is a renown historian of education and an expert of childhood. Her last works dealt with children’s educational and play spaces: in 2015, she co-edited with Marta Gutman the book Designing Modern Childhoods. History, Space and the Material Culture of Children.
  • Derek Johnson (Department of Communication Arts, Wisconsin-Madison University, United States of America): his research focuses on media industries and their strategies to determine how regarding their decisions about content circulation (licensing, cross-media and transmedia franchises, etc.) transform their organizations and working conditions. He published in 2013 Media Franchising: Creative License and Collaboration in the Culture Industries (Twitter).

Researchers from the CoCirPE project will also present the first results of their studies.


Presentations and discussion will be alternatively in English or in French (no simultaneous interpretation).


Program: program

Documentation: symposium – documentation

Registration: click here


Place: MSH Paris Nord – 20, avenue George Sand – 92 21 La Plaine Saint-Denis – France

Access (by public transportation): Line 12 (subway), ‘Front Populaire’ station (exit #3: avenue George Sand/Maison des Sciences de l’Homme


Organization: Sébastien François (Labex ICCA, twitter) & Doriane Montmasson (CERLIS, Paris Descartes University)


For any inquiry, please use the contact formular: here